Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A dramatic accident on the Rhine

Dagblad Dag 25-03-2008 / www.dag.nl

There is a world of tragedy behind this small report in the sideline of today's newspaper:

Dutch skipper kills kayaker
Rhine - A Dutch skipper has probably killed a kayaker on the Rhine near Mainz in Germany. The remains of a kayak were found under the propeller of his ship and a Swiss kayaker is missing. DNA research must prove if the human tissue that is found in the equipment belongs to the missing Swiss. According to the police there is little chance that it isn't.

Update 26. March:
Rudi pointed out that in the German Faltbootforum a discussion is going on this accident. Thanks Rudi! In the forum is a link to the Police-report . Don't underestimate the risks of shipping traffic on the Rhine!

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