Friday, February 12, 2010


I've been in the denial-stage for years, but this winter has definitely taught me: "kayaking on flat water is not a wintersports". Last weeks fun paddling again near Woerden didn't last long. A new ice age has come: two days after my short dip in the local canals, all open water is covered with ice again.
Is mountain-biking wintersports? Well, Alex and I had good fun biking the MTB-track Zuid-Oost Veluwe today. But it was tricky: snow on ice made some parts of the track very slippery. Biking was an advanced balance act. Edging, leaning and surfing - it's almost like kayaking.
The encounter with the cutest cow of the Veluwe...
Oeps, ice...

Minus 3 degr. Celsius, 4 Bft, 45 km.

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