Sunday, December 03, 2006

Upcoming kayak-swimmingpool event

Yesterday Sinterklaas paid a visit to Woerden. As the kids grow older, the character of “Pakjesavond” is changing. The focus is shifting from the sheer size and number of the gifts to more creative elements like the originality of the presentation and the poems coming along with the “surprises”. Jelle and Lieke are inventing and creating these surprises more on their own. The Sinterklaas surprise for me was a miniature private kayak-swimming-pool (note the position of the kayaks: no. 1 is sculling, no. 2 is in upside down position preparing for a roll).

The kayak-swimming-pool-gift is very appropriate. Hans spent every spare minute last week organising a indoor swimming-pool. It’s not easy to arrange a swimming pool for more than a single hour during the weekend, and I was looking for a pool we can use a whole weekend for a kayak event! These are the moments you benefit good kayak-contacts in the region, and finally we found a perfect place, ideally located in the middle of the Netherlands (near Woerden). Thanks Herman! “Waar een wil is, is een weg” (= “where there is a will, there is a way”). The confirmation of the reservation by the manager of the swimming-pool last Friday is a superb Sinterklaas-surprise.

I am so anxious to tell you what we are up to do in this swimming-pool! Full information follows when the last details are definitive. It is a co production between the NKB-commissie Zeekajakvaren, and two highly regarded, in the international kayak-scene well-known, foreign kayak-instructors, and I don’t want to pass my colleague-organisers. But I can lift a corner of the veil: If you are interested in improving your rolling-technique, open for a new experience and want to know more about the roots of seakayaking -> reserve the weekend of 27 and 28 January in your calendar! It may sound immodest, but you haven’t seen anything like this in the Netherlands before!


derrick said...

ah, pools can be addictive up our cold climes. . . careful now! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Hans, Bernhard and a few members of the Salzwater Union will be running a course of their A grade in the Llancá Symposium.
The organizers state that if roughtly equivalent to the 4 star award, or beyond.
Is it so?

Michael said...

Love your new pool, Hans! Very creative and portable as well! Good luck with your pool session in January.

Hans Heupink said...

Hi Wenley!

In my opinion you can say the Salzwasserunion Seebefähigung A - certificate comes very close to the actual BCU 4 Star Awards. There are some minor differences though, e.g. rolling isn't compulsory in the SAU-test. I wouldn't say Seebefähigung A is beyond 4 star.

Note: the BCU is reviewing the Star Awards and (as far as I am informed) upgrading the 4 Star Award (introducing leadership),


Anonymous said...

Thanks Hans, Very similar to your comments on the Dutch equivalent grade. I shall take anyhow to have the chance to learn from Bernhard.
By the way, could you send me your e mail address? I have an abusive favour to ask.

Anonymous said...

Hello Hans,

Just had to wait for my wife for a chat, and I was ending up your page.

I am now in the Philippines, ans will stay a few months more.
But you were mentioning Sinterklaas. He come he is not here??
The Philippines has been under Spain for fourhundred years, and as I remember when I was still a young boy, they told me he is from Spain.

Anyway, I did not bring the Kayak this time. Transport was very costly. Maybe next time. With all the islands overhere it's a haven for Kayaklovers, But I also enjoy the native boats they use here: Banca, pumpboat. All samples of good seaworthy ships...although some never come back.

Jörgen COBBER van der Pol

Hans Heupink said...

Hi Jörgen!
Nice to hear from you. Finally I know who is that mystery-guest from the Phillipines! Have a great time down under!