Fellow Dutch-seakayakers did research into the curious news-item concerning the "unteachable kayaker" who managed to keep the rescue services busy - day after day - last week. I received multiple e-mails about the incident - thanks!
It turned out not to be very difficult to find out what happened, because the kayaker made a sponsored trip and arranged quit some press attention in the local papers. Read it for yourself, and make up your own mind:
- the original plan: Per kajak van den Helder naar Borkum - DenHelderActueel
- stranded: Kajaktocht naar Borkum strandt bij Terschelling - Leeuwarder Courant
- report from the support vessel: Kajaktocht afgeblazen - DenHelderActueel
- report from the lifeboat: Kanovaarder strandt in haven Terschelling - KNRM
For the non-Dutch readers:
The 50 year old-man intended to make a non-stop trip along the Dutch Wadden-coast from Den Helder to Borkum. This is a distance of about 100 nautical miles in tidal waters. He planned to do the trip in 3 days, with an occasional break on a support vessel (the support vessel was a historical lifeboat from the National sea-rescue museum). The trip was plagued by incidents from the very first start: the kayaker capsized several times, lost contact with the support vessel, lost gear and got lost himself. Rescue services, coastguard, lifeboats and a helicopters came into action. The stubborn man kept on trying, neglecting advises and agreements. Finally the captain of the support vessel cancelled the happening.
Fortunately nobody got hurt. But a lot of people got involved, public costs are made just because of incompetence and miscommunication. That's sad. Incidents like this do no good for the reputation of us seakayakers...
Well when i read the newsreports. seems it's a "vreemde vogel". I would go much more away from shore in order to have benefits from the tides. Instead of staying close to shore. Well the kayak was also making water...so was he wearing no sprayskirt?? Communication was failing at a certain point.
Well seems some people get a heatstroke and think they are superman, or maybe midlifecrisis was infecting him!
Regards Jörgen
Finally, he arrived at Borkum,tried to reach Eemshaven, but again lost his paddle and capsized. Rescued and brought back to Borkum, he again didn't recognize any danger.
See http://www.die-newsblogger.de/borkum-seenotretter-bergen-kajakfahrer-aus-der-nordsee-7111443
Radio Bergeijk had hier een mooi item over kunnen maken, zonder er zelf iets bij te hoeven verzinnen. Mijn god, wat een prutser als je het zo leest. "Ik eet biologisch vlees en kan daarom 3 etmalen doorgaan." Begin eens op de sloot achter je huis. Dit bezorgt zeekayakers inderdaad een slechte naam.
hey hans, maybe an idea to give this man a cours next Vlieland week
greetzzz patrick
Hi guys!
Some people learn from their mistakes, some don't. Like Jorgen said: it must be a "weird bird" this kayaker. Meanwhile I have spoken (on behalve of the Seakayak Committee) with the involved rescuers and authorities. They don't regard this incident as typical for Dutch seakayaking. Nevertheless: press messages like we had last week are killing for our reputation.
Beste Mensen,
De vrees van Hans en anderen, dat deze malloot, 'killing' (sorry Hans dat ik je even af val) is voor onze reputatie lijkt mij wat overtrokken. Als er één zonderling volstrekt onverantwoord, onkundig en onwetend handelt, kan dat niet de hele groep worden aangerekend. Wie dat wel doet, reageert op Wilderiaanse wijze. God zij dank zijn de meeste mensen wijzer. En tegen domme reacties kun je amper verweer voeren.
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