The swimming pool season has started. This weekend I took two seakayaks to the swimming pool in Alphen aan de Rijn to exersice the bow roll rescue with René. I must admit that I found the bow roll rescue more difficult to perform than expected. It's important to have a good grip (or better say "close hug") on the bow of the kayak of the victim. To find the right position requires practice. Gravity should do the work and not sheer muscle power. Sometimes it worked and rolling the kayak (even with a non cooperative Rene in it) was easy. But other times my starting position wasn't good and I ended up struggling with a down turned kayak. I am not quit aware what was the difference with the good and bad times (grip, position, timing) - I am going to work it out - more poolsessions to come.
René has written a more extensive report (with pictures) of our experiences in his blog: you can find there also additional information and weblinks about the bowroll-rescue.
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