A few minutes later I was part of another world: in the Nieuwkoopse Plassen – a nature reserve in the middle of the Randstad. It was calm and quiet – no-one outside, even the fisher-men decided to stay home today: I was alone with the birds (and the fish, hidden deep in the cold water below me).
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The winter-blues
Monday, November 24, 2008
The OC6 of the Bloemendaal Outrigger Canoe Club in action

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Pool-weekend: Tallip paarlatsillugit paateqarliuni massikut
Kayaking as an outdoor sports-activity - not this weekend! I spent my time with kayaks in swimming pools: Saturday-evening with Jelle and Angela in Alphen with the Kayakclub de Kromme Aar, today I did two classes for Kayakclub Woerden - resp. adults and kids. The outdoors weren't very inviting with stormy winter weather.
While Jelle and Angela were fooling around with the underwater-camera, I had a good moment to work on the greenland-style rolls. Finally I got the clue of the crossed-arm-roll - the last forward finishing roll on the wish list ;-). Once you get the set up right, this roll isn't as complicated as the name (and the ratings) suggests. So now the next step are the forward finishing hand-rolls, the Norsaq rolls and fancy rolls like handrolling while holding a brick and other heavy stuff. Still a lot to learn this winter!
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yesterday-evening Paul and Paul (from Kanoshop.nl) and Rolph (the driving force behind bloemendaaloutrigger.nl) gave a presentation about new developments in the Canoe and Kayak-world at the Alphense Kanovereniging de Kromme Aar.

Rolph showed us what outrigger canoe racing is about. Of course it's a bit weird to talk about outrigger canoeing as a "new development" (the history of these crafts goes back for centuries in the Polynesian cultures), but as a sport it's relatively new over here. Last year the Bloemendaalse Outrigger Club imported the first OC6 to the Netherlands. Meanwhile a lot of Dutch people are introduced to the sport, the number of members the Bloemendaalse Outrigger Club is steadily growing and the first races have taken place. Look at the video's on oceanpaddler.tv and you'll understand the fascination.
Paul and Paul focused on new trends in kayak and canoe design. In seakayak design 2 major developments were distinguished. The first is the growing popularity of a fitness-orientated design, where speed comes first: seakayaks with a long waterline and a sleek efficient shape, combined with a cockpit-design that facilitates a K1-paddling style (legs centered, freedom of body movement). The most extreme example is the surfski. Examples of seakayaks with a closed cockpit in this category are the Epic 18X (picture), the Valley Rapier and the NDK Greenlander Pro Race .

An upcoming trend in the Netherlands (in a wide range of variations) is finally the increasing number of sit-on-top-kayaks. The Pauls have high expectations of the sit-on-top-fishing kayaks. There are 1.6 million fisher(men) in the Netherlands - only a small percentage of fishers changing from a rowing- (or motor-)boat to a sit-on-top would mean a giant boost to kayak-sales! Personally I am more attracted by the idea of the waveski:

The presentation of Paul and Paul was a try-out for a new initiative of Kanoshop.nl . Kanoshop.nl will offer this presentation on demand for interested Kayak-clubs. I can highly recommend it. Of course has the Kanoshop commercial interest in this initiative (to promote kayak-sales!), but Paul and Paul are above all devoted kayak-enthusiasts and experts that offer a presentation that's far beyond a simple promotion talk. Thanks for a great evening!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Lost your bike?
This is today's "harvest" after 2 hours dredging the "Jaap Beijzer Wetering" - a small canal in Woerden. And that's why some prudence is good when it comes up to jumping in the water or rolling a kayak over here. The bottom of the waterways in this area is muddy, but rusty bikes hurt as good as rocks do!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
NKB - Workshop Instructievaardigheden
Visiting the Clinic was "no paddling for me" but a welcome excuse for a Sunday-afternoon tour on the racebike: 80 km from Woerden to Bergschenhoek, biking 6 meters below sea-level in the Zuidplaspolder.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Black beauty - Tahe Marine Greenland kayak

Update 12/01/2009: Mats from Tahemarine-sweden commented that the Tahé Greenland now also is available in a LC (Large Cockpit)-version. The large cockpit measures 57x40 cm - 7 centimetres longer than the standard cockpit size. This is still far from a large keyhole cockpit, and you still won't be able to get your legs out first - but it sure makes the Greenland accessible for a wider range of (larger) kayakers. Click here or have a look at the Tahemarine-Sweden website for more high-res pictures of the cockpit design.
This morning I went to Wormer to pick up a kayak at René's place. I can't pass by Wormer without at least a quick visit at the Kajakcentrum - the largest kayak retailer in the Netherlands (and probably one of the biggest of Western-Europe). The 2009 collections are arriving in the shop - amongst the new kayaks are some interesting new (for the Dutch market) brands like TideRace, Tahe Marine and (coming soon) Think surf skis.
There was one special kayak that struck my eye: the Tahe Marine Greenland. A hard chined greenland-style kayak. A sharp V-bottom, low volume, small ocean cockpit, very sleek long lines: fantastic, such a beauty!
Readers of this weblog must have noticed that I love my white Anas Acuta - also a kayak inspired by - and a close descendant of - the traditional inuit qayaqs of West Greenland. The Anas Acuta is compared to most modern seakayaks a quit low volume kayak, and the design of the Tahe Marine Greenland is even more sleeker. It must be a dream to roll. With more length on the waterline than the AA it will probably a bit faster. And it's also available in a white gelcoat colour... (alas: I can't get home with more than one new kayak a day ;-).
About the origins of the Anas Acuta: René's blog.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hand Roll - Anas Acuta
Thx Govert for taking photos last Saturday!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Forward Stroke - Update training for NKB Sea Kayak Coaches
Thanks to KV Michiel de Ruiter for the hospitality!
PS: Regular visitors of "Kajaksport op groot water" don't have to guess about the inspiration for this clinic ;-)
Monday, November 03, 2008
More than 100 new buoys: Closed zones in the Voordelta marked out

A message from the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management - October, 30th. Rijkswaterstaat has started to mark out the new closed areas/nature rest zones in the Voordelta. An area of 6000 hectares is going to be marked with more than 100 buoys. More info on the new regulations in the Voordelta with weblinks in this post - click here. The Slikken van Voorne and the Hinderplaat are marked out last Wednesday and Thursday, the other closed zones follow in the next few weeks. Here is the original Dutch text of the press release.
Afbakening rustgebieden Voordelta van start .
Rijkswaterstaat is begonnen met het afbakenen op zee van de rustgebieden in de Voordelta. Deze gebieden zijn aangewezen voor natuurbescherming en als compensatie voor de Tweede Maasvlakte. In totaal gaat het om ruim 6000 hectare, verdeeld over vijf locaties voor de Zuid-Hollandse en Zeeuwse eilanden.
De vijf rustgebieden (Hinderplaat, Bollen van de Ooster(= Aardappelenbult - hh), Bollen van het Nieuwe Zand, Slikken van Voorne en Verklikkerplaat) zijn ingesteld voor de bescherming van vogels en zeehonden. In deze gebieden gelden beperkingen voor visserij en recreatie. Deze vloeien voort uit het Beheerplan Voordelta.
De Voordelta is door het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit aangewezen als Natura 2000 gebied en maakt deel uit van een Europees netwerk van belangrijke natuurgebieden. De Voordelta omvat een rijke verzameling aan geulen, ondieptes en zandbanken. De Voordelta heeft een divers bodemleven en is de habitat van vissen, vogels en zeezoogdieren.
Voor de begrenzing op zee worden circa 100 gele, kunststof tonnen gebruikt. Het uitleggen van de tonnen zal, mits de weersomstandigheden gunstig zijn, ongeveer twee weken in beslag nemen. Rijkswaterstaat zet hiervoor het betonningsvaartuig ms. Waddenzee in. De gehele operatie is omvangrijk en complex, omdat de tonnen veelal in de brandingszone en op ondiepe plekken komen te liggen.
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