Monday, September 04, 2006

KV Wyrda’s 15th Anniversary

Sunday were the festivities to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the local kayakclub KV Wyrda. Janine and the kids are together with me members of Wyrda, so we joined with the whole family. In the afternoon we had big fun with dragon boat paddling. On a giant trailer the EHDC had brought two Dragon boats to Woerden. After an hour of instruction and some training we were racing with two groups of 18 paddlers on the Singel. It’s a strange experience paddling synchronic in a big group. With dragon boat racing not the individual, but the group performance counts. And though most Wyrda-paddlers are of the recreational type, after the starting shot for all just one thing counts: winning!

A (Dutch) report and pictures will be posted on the website of KV Wyrda.

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