Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Llanca seakayaksymposium - day 3

Hakola took apart his beautiful folding Greenland-kayak. Just a short fix - Hakola also stays some more days at the seakayak-happening in Spain.

The 3rd and last day of the Llanca seakayak-symposium was a warm and sunny one again. The weather is changing though: barometer dropped rapidly and wind increased strongly in the afternoon.
Today I was scheduled with Bernhard to give classes on "Paddle and Manoeuvring skills" - level I-II-III. The level of the classes often turns out to be a bit awkward: the levels are not really defined, and some participants make challenging estimations of their own skills. Good thing is that this forces the coaches to a student-driven approach. Every coach should have flexibility and some improvisation talent ;-).

1 comment:

Wenley said...

"... some participants make challenging estimations of their own skills."

Tea in the keyboard moment!