Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Wadden Sea in Winter
Slideshow of today's visit to a favourite Dutch paddling destination: the Wadden Sea. On one of the last days of 2009 with friends and family from a different perspective: not sitting in a seakayak but travelling with a Wieringer fishing vessel.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Welkom "Bón Biní!" op Curaçao!

Today Ryan de Jongh finished a kayak trip of 1600 km in the Dutch Caribbean. He looks quit relaxed on this picture..
My "plopping" Greenland-style paddle
Despite not being ready, in the meantime the GP is used quit intense, so it can use an overhaul-session anyway. For Greenland-style rolling my GP did a good job. But to be honest; almost any piece of timber would have done. Using it for paddling was not the success I hoped for. Initially I found paddling with the GP quit tiring, and later when my muscles had got used to the different style of paddling, I still had a hard job keeping up pace with other paddlers (using Euro-blade-paddles). Very annoying was the plopping noise the paddle makes every time it enters the water. I always blamed my technique. However, how much I tried and experimented with tips and instructions from experienced GP-paddlers to improve my technique (working on 'the canted Greenland-style stroke"), the plopping noise stayed.
The revelation came earlier this year when I swapped GP's with Marc and Bernhard during a paddle after the Llanca-seakayak symposium: I was flabbergasted by the grip of the GP-paddles of Marc and Bernhard! Paddling with their GP's was a delight: effortless, fast and very quiet. Comparing their GP's with mine: their GP's are more slender. Which was no surprise of course, my paddle was unfinished. So action is overdue - it takes some time before this guy acts ;-)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Paddler feeling like a frozen ducky at X-mas...

Well, for some duckies Christmas ends even worse ;-)

Monday, December 21, 2009
Greenland style rolling classes with Peter
Video courtesy Hotwiredbrain
Freek from organises, in cooperation with Peter Renkema, classes in Greenland-style rolling. The classes take place in the (warm!) swimmingpool of the Stoetenslagh resort in Rheezerveen. The first session is scheduled Saturday, January 9th, 2010. Details about location, costs etcetera:
There are only a few places left - when you're interested contact Freek soon.
Highly recommended!
The classes are given in Tahe Marine Greenland kayaks. Kayak Centrum Arend Bloem kindly provides the classes with the new T (touring) version of the Tahe Greenland for larger paddlers.
Update December, 23th: The first session (January, 9th.) is fully booked out, the next occasion is Saturday, January, 23th.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Icebreakers - winter paddling in the Biesbosch
Some notes about "paddling minus ten":
- clothing: a drysuit with a good fleece isolation layer under it is great - not to say a must!
- warm hands: a combination of simple nylon paddle mitts/poggies (without lining!) and a pair of neoprene gloves keeps the hands warm;
- frozen wet neoprene gets stiff - normally the neoprene sprayskirt is my favourite, but for winter paddling a sturdy PVC-sprayskirt is better - once frozen refitting a neoprene sprayskirt gets very awkward;
- deck mounted towing lines, split paddles (and any other spare gear) on the deck: forget it - it's useless when covered with a centimetre of ice...
Friday, December 18, 2009
42,195 km in 2 hours, 15 minutes...
Running a marathon in 2.15 hrs is very impressive. Skating this distance on ice in the same time is nothing special... Anyway, I am quite pleased with this achievement this morning, untrained and for the first time on ice since almost a year, skating an average speed of 19 kmh...
Serious fast: this evening the first Dutch ice skating marathon-race on "natuurijs (=non artificial ice)" was held in Haaksbergen. Kurt Wubben and Elma de Vries finished first.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Congratulations Freya!

While normally Dutch press hardly pays attention to kayaksport, the succesfull completion of Freya's expedition was covered by the Dutch National Press Agency ANP, and by a quality newspaper like NRC-Handelsblad.
The journalist of ANP has problems in making the difference between paddling and rowing (a common mistake) and added a video-clip of Justine Curgenven to the news-item. The video starts with the familiar face of another Dutch seakayaker...
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Canal paddling - the "Grecht"
The "Grecht" is a canal near Woerden. How the Grecht follows the lines of the landscape looks quit "natural", but in fact, like most waterways in the Netherlands it's artificial: man-made, excavated by hand in the 14th century. Due to the ever going on "downwards shift" of the surrounding peat-soil terrain, the water-level of the Grecht is one or two meters higher than the land alongside, which makes paddling attractive because of the wide view.
Around noon I paddled with Guus on the Grecht, just to break out off the dark, rainy, clouded and short December-days. With the Southerly wind starting around 4 Bft, but soon increasing up to force 5/6, it was a swift paddle from Woerden to the sluice in Woerdense Verlaat. Paddling back was a more a struggle, fully exposed to the wind. Over all we paddled an an average speed of 7,9 kmh on this 21,6 km paddle.
Monday, November 30, 2009
"New" Dutch regulation on transporting loads on car roof

The new rules have been largely unnoticed. On last weeks' episode of the Dutch TV-program "Blik op de weg" an item was dedicated to this issue. The item starts in the 15th minute of this
streaming video.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
River paddling - Valley Nordkapp LV

What I didn't like about the kayak was the location of the cockpit-rim on the backside of the kayak. Despite the relative low back-deck of the kayak, the cockpit-rim hinders comfortable laying backwards on the deck. I suppose it's too close located to the position of the seat. The cockpit-rim didn't hinder backwards rolling because I compensated the freedom of movement by lifting my bottom form the seat, but it would be more comfortable when the cockpit rim would have been lower or a bit further away.
I did paddle the Nordkapp-LV only this morning on the river, but it made a convincing first impression. It's no replacement for my broken Anas Acuta, but it would be a very versatile alternative for the Pintail? ;-)
Keep on dreaming - I am still in the mourning process of my good old kayak...
Paddled distance: 14.8 km.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Video Motion Analysis - Update training for NKB Sea Kayak Coaches
Monday, November 09, 2009
Saturday Morning Wave
The guys (and girls) from kayakclub Uitgeest are teasing me with invititations for surf-paddling almost every week. I regret I haven't got the opportunity to join more often, but do intend to go to Castricum beach whenever possible. So guys, please keep sending these invitations! This weekend my kayaking activities were limited to giving classes in a swimming pool at Sunday afternoon.
Anoushka reported: "Castricum beach: Saturday surf was fine again. Steep waves in the morning. Not suited for seakayaks, good for ww-kayaks."
I have a yearning: Woerden at the sea.
Friday, November 06, 2009
A muddy affair
Alex and I got very dirty today. We biked along the MTB-trails of the National Park "Utrechtse Heuvelrug". The scenery was beautiful, with the wood still in a colourful autumn-dress. The track was very muddy after some rainy days. By linking the bike-trails of Leersum and the Amerongse Berg you can bike 35 km non-stop off-road, mainly singletrack, good for an intensive tour of 2 hours.
Information on all Dutch official (permanent) MTB-routes on
A map of the routes on the Heuvelrug can be downloaded from the website of de Utrechtse Recreatieschappen.
The video-clips are the result of an experiment with the High-Speed mode of the Olympus Tough 6000 and edited with film-modus of Picasa - I am discovering new options of Picasa every day.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
The Voordelta with off-shore wind
So, no surf today - which of course was a bit of a disappointment for the 10 people that subscribed for the clinic. I had to look for an alternative. In general you can argue if it's wise to paddle at sea with a gale warning for 7-8 Bft. The great thing about the Voordelta however is that it offers some relatively sheltered areas. And I had also the extra support of Axel and Govert, 2 experienced NKB-seakayakcoaches, for guiding this trip.
On the water the wind turned out to be less fierce as predicted ("only"5-6 Bft in the end in an occasional squall perhaps tipping 7 Bft.), but the wind stayed quit easterly all the time - which means it was an off shore wind. Although it was tempting to paddle with a following wind - we only did this for about 20 minutes (of the 4 hours we were out on the water). With the coastguard warning for 7-8 Bft. SE on the radio every hour, I didn't dare to paddle too far away from the shoreline. It could have got a real tough struggle to reach land again...
Pictures of the day in the Picasa-album.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The "kayak-in-swimming-pool-season" has started
Together with Axel I visited the first poolsession of the season by kayakclub "de Kromme Aar (Alphen a.d. Rijn)" this evening . We had fun rolling and playing in crystal-clear, warm water.
Thanks to Axel for filming me rolling his NDK Romany seakayak.
Geheimtip/inside-tip: the Romany is a great seakayak to roll. Also for greenland-style-rolling and trick-rolling - in my honest opinion there are few kayaks (even dedicated greenland-style) that beat the Romany in this respect!
Friday, October 30, 2009
"Geen beter vermaak dan leedvermaak"? Some reflections after last weeks' crash.
It took some days before I started to realize how lucky I was last Sunday. Well, my kayak is broken, but I am not injured myself. It could have ended much worse. This was really a big smash...
And I am glad to notice my conclusion of this fantastic kayak being a total loss, was premature. I received multiple comments about the chances of repairing the kayak. The damage looks dramatic, but there is good chance it can be fixed. I don't think I have time and space (and doubt if I really have the skills) to do this myself, but I've also received some good addresses. I will contact them and inquire about the possibilities. Sorry for the people who showed interest in the remains of the Anas Acuta - I'll first investigate if I can have it fixed myself. You'll hear from me later.
What did I learn from this incident? Could I have prevented the damage?
- First of all my respect for the power of the sea has grown. I lightheartedly thought I could deal with the "wall of water" that suddenly rose before my eyes. And dived into it with confidence...
- Tom suggested to capsize deliberately before the wave gets you. And to roll up after it has passed by. I suppose this is a good strategy - your upper body will work like a kind of anchor and prevent the kayak from gliding backwards. Perfect. Alas: last Sunday my mindset was different: I wanted to play with the waves and didn't want to hide for them.
- A seakayak is less robust than a white-water-kayak: I should have taken this into account and should have adapted my strategy: paddling more on the save side not taken every challenge. Though I still find the Anas Acuta to be the one of the most playful rough-water kayaks: my Anas Acuta is a lightweight full-Kevlar-Carbon kayak which makes it more vulnerable.
Said all this I still find the way the kayak was broken with a sharp cut in two pieces curious. Bow and stern are completely intact - at the moment I was flipped over backwards I didn't notice any impact with the bottom of the beach. (I am sure that would have hurt my back). It looks like the kayak collapsed at the moment it landed upside down (with the deck first) on the water. Very strange.
This weekend I'll paddle my "good old" Pintail with the NKB-seakayakclinic at Sunday - wind is said to increase, but for rough water and surf it would be good if it would be veering a bit more Westerly...
And I am glad to notice my conclusion of this fantastic kayak being a total loss, was premature. I received multiple comments about the chances of repairing the kayak. The damage looks dramatic, but there is good chance it can be fixed. I don't think I have time and space (and doubt if I really have the skills) to do this myself, but I've also received some good addresses. I will contact them and inquire about the possibilities. Sorry for the people who showed interest in the remains of the Anas Acuta - I'll first investigate if I can have it fixed myself. You'll hear from me later.
What did I learn from this incident? Could I have prevented the damage?
- First of all my respect for the power of the sea has grown. I lightheartedly thought I could deal with the "wall of water" that suddenly rose before my eyes. And dived into it with confidence...
- Tom suggested to capsize deliberately before the wave gets you. And to roll up after it has passed by. I suppose this is a good strategy - your upper body will work like a kind of anchor and prevent the kayak from gliding backwards. Perfect. Alas: last Sunday my mindset was different: I wanted to play with the waves and didn't want to hide for them.
- A seakayak is less robust than a white-water-kayak: I should have taken this into account and should have adapted my strategy: paddling more on the save side not taken every challenge. Though I still find the Anas Acuta to be the one of the most playful rough-water kayaks: my Anas Acuta is a lightweight full-Kevlar-Carbon kayak which makes it more vulnerable.
Said all this I still find the way the kayak was broken with a sharp cut in two pieces curious. Bow and stern are completely intact - at the moment I was flipped over backwards I didn't notice any impact with the bottom of the beach. (I am sure that would have hurt my back). It looks like the kayak collapsed at the moment it landed upside down (with the deck first) on the water. Very strange.
This weekend I'll paddle my "good old" Pintail with the NKB-seakayakclinic at Sunday - wind is said to increase, but for rough water and surf it would be good if it would be veering a bit more Westerly...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The sad end of a fantastic seakayak ;-(
Anoushka had seen what happened and soon came to rescue me. With one hand on the stern of her kayak and the other hand on the stern of my broken kayak I swam and Anoushka paddled me back to the beach.
More pictures in the Picasa-webalbum.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
There is more than kayaking: cycling...

Cycling is a perfect completion to paddling - and (in a limited time) cycling is the more effective workout to keep fit...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Memories: Sundays surf
Anoushka, Annet and Rob were so kind to share their pictures of last Sunday. Axel also published his report of the surf session on the web. And René has written a post about his impressions of the Cetus-seakayak in surf in his Kajakblog.
Pictures in this post by Annet Duin, Rob Goezinne and Anoushka Hulst
Pictures in this post by Annet Duin, Rob Goezinne and Anoushka Hulst
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
In the dark...
Night temperature is decreasing rapidly, water is relatively warm - little bits of fog create a mysterious atmosphere during the weekly paddle with KV Wyrda.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Picture of the (Vlieland)week

Well, it wasn't a photo-contest, but the winner is...
The Webalbum of the NKB-Vlielandweek is still growing: now 782 pictures are uploaded in 13 albums.
I remember paddling next to Gisella at the moment she made this picture of Gerard in his kayak in front of the sailing ship. Gisella was lyrical about the light and the composition - well deserved: she perfectly captured the atmosphere of paddling on a lazy afternoon along the Vliestroom on the Waddensea. Nice picture!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Finally: Surf!
René, Anoushka and Annet (hard to find...)
First Anoushka sent me pictures of the surf session I missed last week. A few days later she sent a mail with this quote:
"It won't be like last Sunday. But like next Sunday it will never be again too! Meet you Sunday at 3PM at the beach of Castricum aan Zee."
I couldn't resist this invitation and joint a select group paddlers of KV Uitgeest this afternoon. Axel was also present with the new Mega Neutron surfkayak. René came with the Cetus seakayak to test in surf conditions. I paddled the Perception SPARC and had a hard job getting this low volume ww-kayak through dumping surf - impressive waves, up to 6 feet... And Anoushka showed all of us what surf-paddling is up. Thanks for this great workout!
Wieger. What's missing in this picture?
More pictures in the Picasa Webalbum. All pictures are taken with the Olympus Tough 6000 WP-camera, just returned from Olympus Service Center. I must say Olympus Netherlands' aftersales service works perfect, fast and adequate. It's only a pity it's that often needed with this camera...
KNMI Weerbericht voor zondag, 11-10-09:
..“De zuidwest- tot westenwind trekt aan en wordt boven land matig tot vrij krachtig, 4 a 5 en aan de kust en op het IJsselmeer krachtig tot hard, kracht 6 a 7.Tegen de avond draait de wind naar noordwest.”..
Monday, October 05, 2009
A surf session to the limits... this amazing video clip of the "foam boaters":
The Wet Dream Result Trailer
This is the trailer for the full video, "Wet Dream Result," a film of vast importance to all humanity, and a tribute to those who push the limits so hard that the limits are like, "Ow! Stop pushing...
Compliments Tom (tgrencer1)!
What we missed: yesterdays' surf
Pictures by Anoushka H
Anoushka sent me a set of jealous-making pictures. While our group cancelled the plan to go paddling along the North Sea coast, Anoushka and her friends from KV Uitgeest enjoyed a surf session at the beach near Castricum. They say it was "gaaf en heftig" ("awesome and violent"?) - I do believe!
Sunday, October 04, 2009
(Wind)surfing on the Westeinderplas
Kaat and Theo were in charge for organising todays' activity of the WKV. Planned was to play in the surf at the beach near Langevelderslag (Dutch North Sea coast). But after a stormy Saturday (wind 7-8 Bft., waves up to 6 meters high on the Northsea...) Kaat and Theo wisely decided to change plans and to paddle on an inland-location: the Westeinderplassen. The wind created nice waves to surf with a following wind over this stretch of 6 km open water. Perfect conditions for experimenting with stern rudders and edging the kayak.
I was really pampered today, my friends from Wageningen even came to Woerden to collect me with my kayak at the doorstep of my home. Thanks guys, I enjoyed a perfect paddling-day in great company!

Paddled distance 21 km, max speed 15 km/h.
More pictures in the Picasa webalbum. The Olympus Waterproof camera is in repair (again...) - today's pictures are made with the much more responsive and robust old Sony Waterproof camera. Downside of the Sony camera is that it lacks a lens cover - quit a lot of todays' pictures are blurred because of water-drops on the lens. I can't blame the camera for that - I shouldn't be rolling when I want to make pictures...
![]() |
Met WKV op de Westeinder Plas |
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
NKB Vlielandkamp 2009 - day by day
Vlieland 2009: 45 participants, 2 ZV-groups, 2 ZVE-groups, 1 Tourgroup. The weather was excellent: warm, sunny with a moderate wind. For the first time since many years al tests could be done.
A brief impression with "a picture of the day":
Sunday, September 6 th. W 4-5 Bft.
The crossing from Harlingen to Vlieland was a bit weary: headwind over 30 km's.
The crossing from Harlingen to Vlieland was a bit weary: headwind over 30 km's.
Monday, September 7th. SW 4-5 Bft.
Monday the last visitors of the Into the Great Wide Open-Festival left the isle of Vlieland. After a restless night, silence returned. The kayakers had the campsite for themselves again.
Monday the last visitors of the Into the Great Wide Open-Festival left the isle of Vlieland. After a restless night, silence returned. The kayakers had the campsite for themselves again.
Tuesday, September 8th. SW 4-5 Bft.
Circumnavigating the sandbank "de Richel" with the Zeevaardigheids(=Sea-Proficiency/BCU 3 star-sea)-group. During a break on the water the telephone rang and the coastguard was on the line - every single movement in the Waddensea-region is monitored.
Circumnavigating the sandbank "de Richel" with the Zeevaardigheids(=Sea-Proficiency/BCU 3 star-sea)-group. During a break on the water the telephone rang and the coastguard was on the line - every single movement in the Waddensea-region is monitored.
Wednesday, September 9th. N 4-5
On special request the patrol vessel RV 180 of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Military force guarding national boarders) creates waves for the kayakers.
On special request the patrol vessel RV 180 of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Military force guarding national boarders) creates waves for the kayakers.

Perfect conditions for surf-training in the second part of the week.
Kitchen work: under the inspiring leadership of star-cook Hans vd W. a dish for the çlosing party is prepared.
Saturday, September, 12th. N4-5, later 3-4 Bft.
Ready for returning home: 21 kayakers paddled back to Harlingen, this time with a following wind. A week ago the crossing took 5 hours, now they did it in 3,5 hours.
Ready for returning home: 21 kayakers paddled back to Harlingen, this time with a following wind. A week ago the crossing took 5 hours, now they did it in 3,5 hours.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Bericht voor deelnemers NKB Vlielandkamp
Message for the Dutch participants of the NKB-Vlielandweek:
Voor de deelnemers die aangegeven hebben morgen de oversteek Harlingen-Vlieland per kajak te willen maken:
Ik heb vanavond geen gelegenheid deze website bij te werken. Daarom een bericht op basis van de informatie zaterdagmiddag 14.30 uur. Er is nog steeds een waarschuwing W-NW 6 van kracht voor de regio Harlingen-Texel-Vlieland. Verwachting voor 6 september van 02:00 tot 04:00 uur:
Texel Harlingen
west 5-6, afnemend west tot zuidwest 4-5, kans op een bui,zicht goed, in neerslag matig
Vooralsnog ga ik er van uit dat we de oversteek Harlingen-Vlieland per kajak maken. Morgenochtend om 11.00 uur in de Harlingen valt echter pas de definitieve beslissing. Staat er dan toch nog te veel wind/golven, dan nemen we alsnog de veerboot (samen met de rest van de groep).
Verzameltijd voor de kajak-oversteek: 11.00 uur bij de trailerhelling (zie infobrief);
Verzameltijd voor de veerboot-gangers: ca.12.15 uur bij de Veerhaven.
Vanavond na 21.00 uur/morgenochtend vanaf 7.30 uur ben ik mobiel bereikbaar.
Tot morgen!
When there is internet-access on the campsite, I'll update this blog during the Seakayakweek - otherwise: back next week!
An impression of last years' edition of Zeekamp Vlieland in the Picasa-Album.
Voor de deelnemers die aangegeven hebben morgen de oversteek Harlingen-Vlieland per kajak te willen maken:
Ik heb vanavond geen gelegenheid deze website bij te werken. Daarom een bericht op basis van de informatie zaterdagmiddag 14.30 uur. Er is nog steeds een waarschuwing W-NW 6 van kracht voor de regio Harlingen-Texel-Vlieland. Verwachting voor 6 september van 02:00 tot 04:00 uur:
Texel Harlingen
west 5-6, afnemend west tot zuidwest 4-5, kans op een bui,zicht goed, in neerslag matig
Vooralsnog ga ik er van uit dat we de oversteek Harlingen-Vlieland per kajak maken. Morgenochtend om 11.00 uur in de Harlingen valt echter pas de definitieve beslissing. Staat er dan toch nog te veel wind/golven, dan nemen we alsnog de veerboot (samen met de rest van de groep).
Verzameltijd voor de kajak-oversteek: 11.00 uur bij de trailerhelling (zie infobrief);
Verzameltijd voor de veerboot-gangers: ca.12.15 uur bij de Veerhaven.
Vanavond na 21.00 uur/morgenochtend vanaf 7.30 uur ben ik mobiel bereikbaar.
Tot morgen!
When there is internet-access on the campsite, I'll update this blog during the Seakayakweek - otherwise: back next week!
An impression of last years' edition of Zeekamp Vlieland in the Picasa-Album.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Countdown for Vlieland

I have been packing most of my gear today, because I am on the road tomorrow. Saturday-evening I will post an message on this weblog with latest information for the about the crossing from Harlingen to Vlieland. (Most participants do the crossing by ferry, a limited number of advanced paddlers (about 20 miles, 4 hours paddling) by kayak (when the weather is fine...).
The weather-forecast for Sunday looks OK, but there are no guarantees (at this very moment there is a warning issued for Harlingen W 8 Bft, Saturday in the morning the predicted wind is still W-NW 6-7 Bft, but in the afternoon the wind is said to be decreasing rapidly...), so please check up tomorrow for the final update!
A Scandinavian cousin for the Anas Acuta
British Anas Acuta (from Valley Sea Kayaks) on Terschelling
Björn Thomassen (Swedish designer of the fantastic Black Pearl) has designed a modern "Illorsuit" inspired seakayak for the Norwegian kayak-builder Seabird-Designs. The greenland-kayak built in 1959 by Emmanuelle Korniliussen in Illorsuit for British kayaker and geologist Kenneth Taylor was the base of the classic Anas Acuta kayak, still produced by Valley Seakayaks.
Björn takes the Illorsuit design to a higher level: still based upon the traditional Greenland design with the beauty and harmony of the traditional lines, but with a modern hull shape and hydrodynamics, using the latest knowledge of 21th. century-kayak design.
- Björns thoughts about his new design on the Thomassondesign blog.
- The article by Duncan R. Winning about the history of the Anas Acuta and the Illorsuit kayaks in Seakayaker Magazine.
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